First complete this assignment:
Discuss your 9/11 composition shots
Now that you have found good examples of the different composition techniques in 9/11 photos, go back and edit your posts (if you don't know how to edit your posts please ask a neighbor and if they don't know, ask me) and write about the photos you picked out. Explain your choices. Help me understand how the photo you picked meets the rule you think it shows.
What to discuss - Be specific - Describe specific elements in the photo. Explain what the technique is all about. Explain the EFFECT of the technique.
If you can't remember all the rules, here is the website again:
Below you will see examples of a well written description and one that isn't so great:
Good Example - In this photo, the red stripes of the flag and the grey ladder all form lines that lead the eye to the man playing the bagpipe. Since these lines are diagonal, they give the photo a dynamic feel.
Bad Example - The flag makes leading lines to the guy.
Do this for all six of your posts or all six of the photos in your post.
If you think you didn't pick a very good photo, feel free to go back and redo the assignment. There will be a quiz of some sort next week to see if you know and more importantly, understand the 6 basic rules of photography.