Overview: Now that most of you have finished the yearbook spread we worked on together, getting photos from the internet and sending me a .PDF of your completed work, its time to create your own personal Self-Designed version.
You will be given another size 8 Rough Draft sheet - your job is to create your own unique yearbook spread.
A few things you should know about:
It will be in full color so you are welcome to change both fonts and font colors, as well as the way they are facing.
You will be shooting all of the photos for your spread, so remember that if you decide to put 25 photos on your page. You have to fill all of those spots. Nothing can be "stolen" from the internet. You should be shooting NOW for this assignment. Do not put this off, you need them NEXT class.
1 pica gap between every element on your pages
Must have a vertical or horizontal eye-line of some sort
Must have a "dominate" photo
Must have a headline and 1 subhead line
Must have text (story space) which must be at least 2 columns wide and 15 pica (s) tall
Captions should touch the photo they belong too and you must write a caption for every photo on your spread
Things you can alter:
Photo shapes and sizes
The number of photos
Headline and subhead sizes, shapes, fonts and colors
Size, shape and font of text/story area
Ideas to check out:
Go to PhotoJ drive and find the "PhotoJ Files for Class" folder. Then go to Award Winning examples folder. Open the NSPA folder and begin looking for Yearbook Spreads. So that means folders that begin with YB. I would suggest looking at "Features," "Clubs and Orgs" and "Sports"
Once you find a spread that you like, you can try to recreate it on the blank Yearbook grid paper.
YOU MUST show your teacher/sub your spread as you are working. Its on YOU to get up and show your teacher your work. The teacher must sign off on your spread before you begin transferring it to InDesign.
When you are ready to transfer the draft sheet to the computer - open the In Design document called: Yearbook spread #1. Once it is open, save as and change the name to:
Last name_first name_myyearbookspread_period#
Start working.
Getting your completed In Design piece should not take longer than 2 class periods.
Must have a "dominate" photo
Must have a headline and 1 subhead line
Must have text (story space) which must be at least 2 columns wide and 15 pica (s) tall
Captions should touch the photo they belong too and you must write a caption for every photo on your spread
Things you can alter:
Photo shapes and sizes
The number of photos
Headline and subhead sizes, shapes, fonts and colors
Size, shape and font of text/story area
Ideas to check out:
Go to PhotoJ drive and find the "PhotoJ Files for Class" folder. Then go to Award Winning examples folder. Open the NSPA folder and begin looking for Yearbook Spreads. So that means folders that begin with YB. I would suggest looking at "Features," "Clubs and Orgs" and "Sports"
Once you find a spread that you like, you can try to recreate it on the blank Yearbook grid paper.
YOU MUST show your teacher/sub your spread as you are working. Its on YOU to get up and show your teacher your work. The teacher must sign off on your spread before you begin transferring it to InDesign.
When you are ready to transfer the draft sheet to the computer - open the In Design document called: Yearbook spread #1. Once it is open, save as and change the name to:
Last name_first name_myyearbookspread_period#
Start working.
Getting your completed In Design piece should not take longer than 2 class periods.