Friday, January 10, 2014

Fixed Portrait Shoot

Your challenge: Using a tripod and a camera set to manual mode, you must take a portrait of a classmate while recording the changes you make to ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed.

  • Once you have found your location for the portrait, you MAY NOT move the tripod or camera. 
  • The framing, location and framing all of all of your photos must look exactly the same. 
Starting with and ISO of 100, you must select the correct Aperture and Shutter Speed to create an appropriate and eye-pleasing exposure. Remember that you are balancing light and shadows as well as the sharpness of the image versus blur.

On your handout, start out by recording your beginning ISO of 100. Then record your prediction for an appropriate Shutter Speed and Aperture.

Next, record how you think your photo will come out in the Prediction column before you take your photo. Then record your result.

Continue to make and record your predictions for ISO 100 until you get what you believe is your best exposure at this film speed (100).

Repeat this process for the following Film Speeds (ISO settings): 400, 800, 1600, 3200.

You must attempt to take a good portrait at each of these film speeds even if you think the ISO number is too high or too low. The idea is to see how you can create an equivalent exposure by adjusting the Aperture and Shutter Speed even while using different ISO settings.

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