Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Newspaper Completion Checklist and Submission Directions

Directions: It's time to turn in your Newspaper designs. Use the check list below before you are turn in your assignment.

Did you:

1. Build a proper "Flag" at the top of page 1 and 2
2. Fill in the folio with a school name, date, volume and edition on both pages
3. Place all 6 stories into the right place (hint: to get "fill text" put your cursor on the end of the story and right-click -- (Fill with Placeholder Text)
4. Jump the proper story from page 1 to page 2
5. Use fill text in all empty spaces
6. Use 4 of the 6 photos in the proper places. Did you crop in Photoshop? (Remember: I can tell)
7. Use 4 of the 6 captions in proper places
8. Write the 2nd sentence of each caption
9. Write headlines and subheadlines for each story that fill the entire space
10. Write headlines with complete sentences with a subject and verb in "downstyle" (only capital letters at the beginning and proper names) and with no punctuation at the end of the sentence.
11. Fill in the writer and title for every story (with bold for name and italics for title)
12. Fill in the photographers name for each photo
13. Use 1 of the 2 stand-alone photos and place it in the correct place
14. Use the correct caption for the stand-alone photo

I hope you did!!!!

Now send it to me:

Submission Directions:

Part 1. Export your InDesign document as a PDF

Here is a reminder how to do that:

Go to "File" -- Adobe PDF presets -- Smallest File Size

When the pop-up window appears, name the file LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_NEWSPAPER LAYOUT and hit save (make sure its saved in your folder)

IMPORTANT:  In the middle of the window where it says "PAGES," click the box marked ALL , click export, if you get error messages, click OK.

Part 2. Open Photoshop and find the PDF document in photoshop.

IMPORTANTWhen the IMPORT PDF window pops up, make sure you select both pages by holding down the shift key and selecting the second page. It will open both pages as two separate images that you have to save separately.


Go to "File" Save as" and change the FORMAT to .jpeg (file format). make sure to save at maximum size.

Part 3. Open your e-mail and send me the .PDF (DO NOT SEND THE .INDD DOCUMENT)to Mr. Doerr at david.doerr@austinisd.org and Ms. Fleming at lauraflemingphotoj@gmail.com.

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