Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Rough Drafts due today

Reminder: Post your rough draft versions of your products to your blog today.

Option 1: Either Embed your projects to your blog


Option 2: Upload a JPG version of your flier to your blog

Merging Photos in Photoshop/Submission Directions


Open each of the photos that you want to merge in Photoshop.

Following the directions below, separate the photos from the bar on top ONE AT A TIME.

Starting with the SECOND photo, drag the Background Layer to the FIRST photo.

Then go to the THIRD photo, drag the Background Layer to the first photo.

Then go to the FOURTH photo, drag the Background Layer to the first photo.


Once you have combined all four layers onto one photo you are ready to begin erasing the background.

Select the Eraser Tool from the Toolbar

Click on Layer 3 (or the last layer you added to your image)

Using the Eraser tool, look for the position of your subject on Layer 2 (or the second to last layer you added) and begin to erase where the subject is positioned. YOU SHOULD SEE THE SUBJECT SHOW UP.

NEXT, using the Eraser tool ON LAYER 2, you should erase in the area where the subject is on Layer 1 as well as the Background Layer. YOU HAVE TO ERASE THROUGH ALL THREE OR FOUR LAYERS (depending on how many you have) TO SEE ALL FOUR OF THE SUBJECTS IN ONE IMAGE.

NEXT, when you are finished erasing ON LAYER 2, you should erase in the area where the subject is ON LAYER 1.

Repeat this process until you have finished with all of the layers and you don't see any problems with LIGHTING or ALIGNMENT.



YOU CANNOT POST A PHOTOSHOP (or .PSD) format file to Blogger. You must save your final product as a JPG format. Before you can save your file as JPG, you must FLATTEN your PSD file.

TO FLATTEN: Click on LAYER at the top of your Photoshop Menu Bar and then click on FLATTEN IMAGE.

Save your final product as a JPG with the following format for the name: LastName_FirstName_Merger.jpg. MAKE SURE YOU ARE SAVING AS A JPG FORMAT. 

When you are done POST YOUR MERGER PHOTO on your blog.


Merged Photo Examples

These are examples of the photo we will be taking soon so you can start planning ahead.

Steps to follow during Merger Photo Shoot:

Select a partner.

Pre-plan with your partner. What are you going to do in each photo?

Beware of shadows!

Make sure the camera does not move between each photo. Even a slight jiggle of the camera can throw it off.

Your merger photo must include at least four different poses.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Technical Help Links for projects

For Fliers: 

To watch an Aurasma Studio set up tutorial video:

How to make your Aura viewable/How to make your channel public:

If you are doing an Aurasma, be sure to add a "Call to Action" Aurasma logo on your flier and directions so people will know how to make it work.

Here is a link to a folder of logos you can add to your Aurasma:

To generate a QR code to go with your flier use this service:

Be sure to select the URL option to make a YouTube video web address into a QR code.

Download the QR code image and then add it to your flier just like any image in InDesign.

For Prezi, Animoto or

To embed your finished product into your blog follow these directions:

Step 1: Find and copy the ENTIRE "Embed Code."

Step 2: Make a new blog post. Find the Compose and HTML buttons at the top of the page. Click on HTML.

Step 3: Copy the entire code into the window. Click back on Compose and then you should whatever you embedded show up on your blog. Make sure you click on "View Blog" to make sure it looks good.

Here's an example:

Multimedia Projects Grading Guidelines

Overview: To help clarify the expectations of your multi-media project, please refer to the general grading guidelines below.

Communicates Message (30 Points) – the creator effectively communicates a message with the collective parts of the multimedia project.
  • If it is a flier, the message promotes an event/group/organization. 
  • If it is a slideshow, the message tells a story and showcases creator’s photographic and graphic design skill. 
  • If a Prezi, the message tells a story and showcases creator’s photographic and graphic design skill. 
  • If an, the message explains a topic/issue through use of text and graphics. 
Uses technology/multimedia to communicate message (20 points) – uses photos, audio, video, or online presentation.
  • If product is a flier, it uses a QR code or Aurasama to link video to flier. 
  • If product is an online presentation such as Animoto,, or Prezi, the project uses multimedia to communicate message. 
Duration/Contents (20 points) – The project meets appropriate length requirements.
  • If a flier, the flier contains all of the appropriate who, what, when, where, why, and how information. 
  • If a slideshow, it is made up of three slideshows of at least 30 seconds in length. 
  • If a Prezi, the presentation has three different parts: Photocomposition (6 to 10 examples of student work), Story Telling (a story in a narrative structure with beginning, middle and end) and Graphic Design in Your Future (explains how student will use graphic design/photography skills in their future) 
Professionalism (30 points) – Project has essential reference information, labels and transitions.
  • Presentation includes appropriate labels (titles, descriptions of rules of photography, credits) 
  • Presentation uses transitions (uses either visual (graphic or text) or verbal transitions between different elements of story.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Major Project Assignment Selection

Overview: Tell me about the project that you want to do for your final exam project for this class. Answer the questions below in a blog post.

Step 1: Make a blog post titled "Major Project Idea."

  • What is the topic of your project? 
  • Who will you interview? 
  • What will you take photos of? 
  • What information will you research?

Step 2:

  • What type of project will you make?
  • What service will you use? (Animoto, Infogram, Prezi, etc.)

Step 3: Why is this the best service to make your final multimedia project?

Step 4: When and where will you record and capture this content?

Step 5: When will you transfer your images, audio, text to your computer?

Monday, May 5, 2014

Multimedia Project

Overview: One of the skills your have learned this year is how to communicate with graphics. You can tell stories with your photos, your layouts and your writing. You can also combine these skills using a multimedia approach in which you combine audio, text and visuals together.

There are a variety of tools available to you tell stories in a multimedia manner. The following list are a few tools that you can use for this project:
  • Flier created in InDesign: Use InDesign to create a flier for a real or fictional event. The flier must combine photos/images with text to promote an event. The flier should include all the appropriate who, what, when, where, how and why information and be visually appealing to viewers. Enhance your flier by adding an Aurasma "Augmented Reality" experience.
  • Audio slideshow: Use Animoto to create a photo slideshow with audio. You must make a total of three 30 second videos. (One personal. One showing composition skills. One that tells a brief story.)
  • Prezi: Use this service to combine text, photos, audio and video to create a portfolio presentation. Your portfolio should include the following three categories: Composition. Storytelling Skills. How you will use graphic design in the future.
  • Use this service to create at least one infographic combined with a portfolio presentation. Your project must an infographic, photos you take yourself to illustrate your infographic and graphically enhanced text that tells a story.  
Select a format for your project and tell your teacher what type of project you are going to do. Begin planning your project or sign-up for the appropriate service if needed. Practice with your design. You will turn in your final product on the day of the final exam.

Post your Sports Action Photos


Post your best of the four Sports Action photos with labels on your blog.

1. Subject running toward

2. Subject running across

3. Panning

4. Intentional blur (showing motion)