Monday, May 5, 2014

Multimedia Project

Overview: One of the skills your have learned this year is how to communicate with graphics. You can tell stories with your photos, your layouts and your writing. You can also combine these skills using a multimedia approach in which you combine audio, text and visuals together.

There are a variety of tools available to you tell stories in a multimedia manner. The following list are a few tools that you can use for this project:
  • Flier created in InDesign: Use InDesign to create a flier for a real or fictional event. The flier must combine photos/images with text to promote an event. The flier should include all the appropriate who, what, when, where, how and why information and be visually appealing to viewers. Enhance your flier by adding an Aurasma "Augmented Reality" experience.
  • Audio slideshow: Use Animoto to create a photo slideshow with audio. You must make a total of three 30 second videos. (One personal. One showing composition skills. One that tells a brief story.)
  • Prezi: Use this service to combine text, photos, audio and video to create a portfolio presentation. Your portfolio should include the following three categories: Composition. Storytelling Skills. How you will use graphic design in the future.
  • Use this service to create at least one infographic combined with a portfolio presentation. Your project must an infographic, photos you take yourself to illustrate your infographic and graphically enhanced text that tells a story.  
Select a format for your project and tell your teacher what type of project you are going to do. Begin planning your project or sign-up for the appropriate service if needed. Practice with your design. You will turn in your final product on the day of the final exam.

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